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Sunday, April 21

Airtel 3G tricks 100% Working 2013

Airtel 3G Users most probably suffering from not getting any free gprs on airtel. This proxy trick works for 3g users too. You have to just change some settings in your mobiles and handlers, this tricks might works in your area. This trick has been tested in Delhi worked fine.Anyway, 3G standard but you can afford this as you are using without any recharge.

You must have 3G handset and installed opera realhost handlers or download from HERE for android Users. Nokia Users download from HERE. Make changes in the proxy settings and useAirtel Internet  Default Setting. 

For getting your Airtel Internet setting, send message  MO  to  12345. You will get in 1 minSave this setting.
After downloading Your Browsers, Make Changes in your Settings 

Proxy : 
Port : 80
HomePage : d.airtelworld.com or  any free homepage in your area.

tag: airtel free gprs 2013,airtel 3g android tricks,working 100% in android mobiles, free internet on airtel, latest frontquery for airtel 2013, free internet in airtel,latest gprs method airtel,airtel march,april working proxies, how to get free gprs,airtel proxies collection,free proxies airtel, free homepages airtel 2013,2013 tricks airtel free gprs, free 3g tricks in airtel march 2013.


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